Today's post will only be available in german language. I might update it later.
So. Manchmal muss man sich einfach mal richtig auskotzen. Vor EINEM MONAT habe ich eine Perücke bei Geisha Wigs (Prairie) bestellt, welche bis heute nicht angekommen ist.
Zwischenzeitlich hatte ich immer wieder die Besitzerin der Website angeschrieben. Anfänglich antwortete sie mir öfter gar nicht, als ich dann hartnäckiger wurde leider nur relativ unfreundlich.
Von Customer SERVICE kann dort nicht die Rede sein.
Jedes Mal, wenn ich auf sie zuging kam nur eine vage Aussage zurück: "Steht doch auf der Website. Wartezeit 14 Tage."
Mal ganz ehrlich...man kann doch erwarten,dass sowas auch mal schneller geht,oder nicht?
Die 14 Tage waren vorbei und ich wollte wissen, was denn nun mit meiner Bestellung sei. Wieder keine Antwort. Irgendwann wurde es mir dann zu bunt und kommentierte einfach mal beim Instagram-Account der Seite. Unglaublich wie verlogen sie doch antwortete. Sie hätte mir ja längst geantwortet und ich wüsste ja alles. Ähhhh...nein?! Wie dreist kann ein einzelner Mensch bitte sein?
Per Email setzte sich die ganze Sache dann fort. Ich würde ihr ja ihren Traum kaputt machen, da ich ja einen schlechten Eindruck auf Instagram durch sowas verbreiten würde. Was 'ne Aussage. Dann habt euren Laden doch besser im Griff? Weiterhin behauptete sie, andere Läden würden mir so einen Service nicht bieten. Joa, da hat sie wohl Recht! Komischerweise habe ich von Lockshop Wigs oder Gothic Lolita Wigs immer innerhalb von 12 Stunden eine freundliche und vor allem wirklich INFORMATIVE Email erhalten.
Ich hab mich selten als Käufer so mies behandelt gefühlt. Auf ihrer Seite tut sie ja so, als wäre sie Mutter Theresa und ich bepiss mich regelmäßig vor lachen über dieses weltverbesserische Getue. Stattdessen könnte man doch seinen Job richtig machen, oder?
Ich habe weit über 30 € für diesen Dreck bezahlt. Tut mir ja leid,dass ich noch kein Geld kacken kann.
Immer wieder fiel mir nebenbei auf, dass andere Käufer sich auch beschwerten, dass sie keine Antwort auf Emails bekamen oder überhaupt schon ewig auf ihre Bestellungen warteten. Diese Beiträge wurden immer sofort gelöscht und ich frage mich, ob das der richtige Weg ist. Man kann negative Kritik als Besitzer eines Online Stores doch nicht einfach ignorieren,oder?
Und ich habe bemerkt,dass fast alle Käufer aus der UK kamen..oder eben gesponserte waren. So langsam habe ich das Gefühl, sie lässt nur für sich werben, um dann schön die potenziellen Käufer an Land zu ziehen. Ich fühle mich jedenfalls maßlos verarscht und beleidigt.
Etwas Professionalität darf man schon erwarten, besonders von der Besitzerin eines Online Shops, die diesen als ihren "Traum" betitelt.
Also kurz zusammengefasst:
Bestellt am 28.Dezember 2013, heute ist der 28.Januar 2014 und ich habe die Bestellung noch immer nicht. Auf Anfragen, wie lange eine Royal Airmail-Sendung höchstens dauern kann, wurde patzig und nicht wirklich geantwortet.
Als Käufer nehme ich mir das Recht heraus, so oft nach meiner Bestellung zu fragen wie ich will. Schließlich habe ich dafür bezahlt und das auch nicht wenig. Wenn ein Shopbesitzer damit nicht umgehen kann oder will, dann ist das wohl der falsche 'Job' für ihn.
Ich werde diesen Eintrag updaten, sobald ich die Ware doch noch erhalte. Hoffentlich. Schließlich will ich ja auch noch was zu der Qualität der Perücke sagen können.
Bis dahin,
aliens in middle earth.
Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014
Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014
Shooting: The girl with too much hair!
Hello guys! :3
My last blog post was posted a while ago since I am in preparation for my exams.
Excuse my lack of interesting posts but things will change when I finally have more time to breath.
I just wanted to share some photos of my last photoshoot with Emily Van Kat Photography.
Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014
Gothic Lolita Wigs Review: Rhapsody Wig in Milk Tea
Hello sweethearts! (♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡
Today I am going to talk about the Rhapsody wig by GLW★!
At first I wasn't quite sure if I should purchase from this shop since I've read so many mixed reviews.
But the quality of the wig turned out better than I had expected plus the Rhapsody wig is already one of my favorite wigs.
I was searching for a fluffy and crimped wig. I really like how much it can change a simple outfit. I could never crimp my own hair thanks to too much bleaching and dying. o(╥﹏╥)o
Gothic Lolita Wigs is one of the most famous wig brands for Lolitas,Gyarus...etc. And I knew that the Rhapsody wig was one of their absolute best-sellers so I couldn't go wrong with purchasing this wig. I picked the colour Milk Tea since it is very natural and it is easier to wear in everyday life.
I ordered the wig on January 5th and it was dispatched only one day after I had made the purchase!
Everything went incredibly fast! The wig arrived on January 14th! Only 8 days later I was holding the small and neat package in hands. I was so happy that I didn't have to pay any custom fees!
The wig itself came in a bag which also included a free wig cap.
When I took out the wig for the first time I was shocked...in a very positive way! I was a holding so much hair in my hands! The wig is very thick and the colour is GORGEOUS! It's a greyish kind of blonde and I absolutely love it.
I have worn the wig for two days in a row now and I always feel like a lion haha. :3
Price: 4/5 ( The wig costs 64$ plus 19$ shipping fee. I would say it is a little expensive but the quality makes up for the high price)
Shipping: 5/5 (The company is located in the US and I am located in Germany...the wig arrived 8 days after I had placed my order which is incredibly fast!)
Customer Service: 5/5 (...was perfect! I have mailed them two time and they always answered within 24h)
Quality: 5/5 (The wig looks very natural. The fibers are thick and beautifully crimped. Adorable!)
You can purchase a wonderful Rhapsody wig yourself right here: Gothic Lolita Wigs
xo Maxi
Today I am going to talk about the Rhapsody wig by GLW★!
At first I wasn't quite sure if I should purchase from this shop since I've read so many mixed reviews.
But the quality of the wig turned out better than I had expected plus the Rhapsody wig is already one of my favorite wigs.
I was searching for a fluffy and crimped wig. I really like how much it can change a simple outfit. I could never crimp my own hair thanks to too much bleaching and dying. o(╥﹏╥)o
Gothic Lolita Wigs is one of the most famous wig brands for Lolitas,Gyarus...etc. And I knew that the Rhapsody wig was one of their absolute best-sellers so I couldn't go wrong with purchasing this wig. I picked the colour Milk Tea since it is very natural and it is easier to wear in everyday life.
I ordered the wig on January 5th and it was dispatched only one day after I had made the purchase!
Everything went incredibly fast! The wig arrived on January 14th! Only 8 days later I was holding the small and neat package in hands. I was so happy that I didn't have to pay any custom fees!
The wig itself came in a bag which also included a free wig cap.
When I took out the wig for the first time I was shocked...in a very positive way! I was a holding so much hair in my hands! The wig is very thick and the colour is GORGEOUS! It's a greyish kind of blonde and I absolutely love it.
I have worn the wig for two days in a row now and I always feel like a lion haha. :3
Price: 4/5 ( The wig costs 64$ plus 19$ shipping fee. I would say it is a little expensive but the quality makes up for the high price)
Shipping: 5/5 (The company is located in the US and I am located in Germany...the wig arrived 8 days after I had placed my order which is incredibly fast!)
Customer Service: 5/5 (...was perfect! I have mailed them two time and they always answered within 24h)
Quality: 5/5 (The wig looks very natural. The fibers are thick and beautifully crimped. Adorable!)
You can purchase a wonderful Rhapsody wig yourself right here: Gothic Lolita Wigs
xo Maxi
Freitag, 10. Januar 2014
Lockshop Wig Review: Waves Natural Blonde
Hello guys!
This is my first blog post ever. I thought about starting a little blog since a long period of time but I wasn't able to convince myself to finally do it...well,here we go!
I know that I haven't got any readers yet, but I will do my best to build up a larger readership! :3
My first entry is about a wonderful website that sells gorgeous wigs for absolutely reasonable prices.
What you see is what you get and the quality is simply breathtaking!
They sell everything from natural everyday wigs to bold coloured Lolita wigs! There's a piece of hair for everyone and every style.
I've placed my first order with Lockshop nearly a month ago. My first pick was the Mermaid wig in Honey. And I am so glad I did! I have worn this wig so many times already and people always tell me that this wig looks so real! It was often mistaken for my real hair and I think that tells you a lot about the quality of the product! Also, the fibers never really tanged and it was easy to brush through! :)
The wig I want to review today is the stunning wig called Waves Natural Blonde!
I've wanted a wig that I could wear easily in my everyday life, so I went for a short but very feminine wig! Since my real hair is black at the moment I went for something lighter. :3
I've placed my order the 29th of december and it was shipped the 7th of January,
It took some time to be dispatched and I was getting kinda nervous because when I first ordered there it didn't take so long. I've talked to the Customer Service and I totally understood that it took some time since it was the time after Christmas.
The package arrived on Wednesday, one day after it was shipped!
I choose TNT because I wanted to be able to track my order the whole way and it also comes with an insurance!
The wig wasn't any less than I had expected!
The quality was amazing! The fibers are really really soft and the colour looks so natural! It is very thick and fluffy and very comfortable. It comes with a wig cap and the adjustable wig straps to make it fit your head perfectly.
People started asking me if it was my real hair...again and again. And many of my friends have placed an order with Lockshop Wigs because they loved how natural the wigs looked!
I have already placed my next order. This time it will be the Mermaid Borealis wig.
Price: 5/5
Shipping: 4/5 (because of the shipment delay)
Customer Service: 5/5 (the owner always stayed in contact with me and answered quickly and polite to my questions. She's doing an unbelievably good job because she's basically running a one woman-business.Chokelate rocks!)
Quality: 5/5 (the quality can't be topped. The wig looks very natural and isn't shiny.)
I hope you liked my first review. ♥ Now get yourself a new head at www.lockshopwigs.com
xo Maxi
This is my first blog post ever. I thought about starting a little blog since a long period of time but I wasn't able to convince myself to finally do it...well,here we go!
I know that I haven't got any readers yet, but I will do my best to build up a larger readership! :3
My first entry is about a wonderful website that sells gorgeous wigs for absolutely reasonable prices.
What you see is what you get and the quality is simply breathtaking!
They sell everything from natural everyday wigs to bold coloured Lolita wigs! There's a piece of hair for everyone and every style.
I've placed my first order with Lockshop nearly a month ago. My first pick was the Mermaid wig in Honey. And I am so glad I did! I have worn this wig so many times already and people always tell me that this wig looks so real! It was often mistaken for my real hair and I think that tells you a lot about the quality of the product! Also, the fibers never really tanged and it was easy to brush through! :)
The wig I want to review today is the stunning wig called Waves Natural Blonde!
I've wanted a wig that I could wear easily in my everyday life, so I went for a short but very feminine wig! Since my real hair is black at the moment I went for something lighter. :3
I've placed my order the 29th of december and it was shipped the 7th of January,
It took some time to be dispatched and I was getting kinda nervous because when I first ordered there it didn't take so long. I've talked to the Customer Service and I totally understood that it took some time since it was the time after Christmas.
The package arrived on Wednesday, one day after it was shipped!
I choose TNT because I wanted to be able to track my order the whole way and it also comes with an insurance!
The wig wasn't any less than I had expected!
The quality was amazing! The fibers are really really soft and the colour looks so natural! It is very thick and fluffy and very comfortable. It comes with a wig cap and the adjustable wig straps to make it fit your head perfectly.
People started asking me if it was my real hair...again and again. And many of my friends have placed an order with Lockshop Wigs because they loved how natural the wigs looked!
I have already placed my next order. This time it will be the Mermaid Borealis wig.
Price: 5/5
Shipping: 4/5 (because of the shipment delay)
Customer Service: 5/5 (the owner always stayed in contact with me and answered quickly and polite to my questions. She's doing an unbelievably good job because she's basically running a one woman-business.Chokelate rocks!)
Quality: 5/5 (the quality can't be topped. The wig looks very natural and isn't shiny.)
I hope you liked my first review. ♥ Now get yourself a new head at www.lockshopwigs.com
xo Maxi
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